Monthly meetings - 3rd Monday at 2pm - 3rd Thursday at 6pm
PSA Screening - FREE - 3rd Saturday 10am
For Info: 941 500 9669
Monthly meetings - 3rd Monday at 2pm - 3rd Thursday at 6pm
PSA Screening - FREE - 3rd Saturday 10am
For Info: 941 500 9669
* The Louis & Gloria Flanzer Philanthropic Trust may match all "INDIVIDUAL" DONATIONS up to $500
so if you donate $100, we receive $200.
"Corporate" donations are not matched
The Sarasota Prostate Initiative, Inc is a Florida non-profit 501C3 public charity (EIN83-0634414) dedicated to increasing awareness of diagnostic and treatment options for men and their partners; and supporting their odyssey.
Join Us for great comradery - learning - sharing - help with negotiating the care options
ANCAN has meetings for all prostate health statuses
Virtual meetings are available from a number of sources - call us with any questions: 941 356 0754
ABCTV Channel 7 in Sarasota had us discuss important prostate health issues for men of all races on EMPOWERING VOICES a feature show with Renee James Gilmore, noted TV personality and superb interviewer.
A short video below tells a story of outreach and bonding among a special group.......
ABC TV's Renee Gilmore on 'Empowering Voices' talks with David Morse of Sarasota Prostate Initiative
Local and National Support Resources
Please contact us anytime for support, education and questions about your prostate health journey.
email us at
or call 941 356 0754